NQ Climate Impacts

North Queensland is already feeling the impacts of a changing climate, with unprecedented weather events and temperatures. The flooding event in and around Townsville in February 2019 smashed previous rainfall records for all durations from two to twelve days, with 1259.8mm falling in just ten days (see BoM's Special Climate Statement). This followed the heatwave of November 2018, which saw previous maximum temperature records in areas around Cairns, Proserpine, Coen, Cooktown, Innisfail to Townsville, Bowen to Sarina and around St Lawrence exceeded by 1.5 to 4°C (source here).

Climate change is no longer an issue that belongs in the future - it is here right now and our window of opportunity to mitigate its worst impacts is quickly closing. It is more important that ever that everyday people become active and vocal about the climate emergency and pressure decision-makers at every opportunity.

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  • Crystal Falknau